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Physical and mental finess, hygiene


Putting eating healthy aside, one of the most popular subject when it comes to health will be exercising! We may often hear people around us saying that they have to exercise to stay healthy. In fact, our parents inform us about it. Just running around in the playground it’s also exercising as long as your body is in motion actively. Exercising does not necessary mean to play sports, workout in the gym. No, it is a misconception. Even walking at a faster speed for a few miles it’s also exercising.
Most of us have the concept of exercising = good, equals to (Healthy). As this perspectives have been implanted in us since we are young, doctors say it, our parents say it and so do our schools where we receive our education.

The simple reason why exercise is good and healthy for our body and we should do it is because it regulates blood in our body. Also, allowing our heart to grow stronger when our stamina increases. Exercising will also reduce the rate of getting diseases. It also helps to boost the good cholesterol in our bodies.


This is another common topic when it comes to health- Hygiene. Practicing good hygiene is always important. If not our good personal hygiene, people around us or in fact, ourselves will become sick. Do you know that by coughing and sneezing the inside of the product contains tons of bacteria in it? So imagine this, when we do not cover our mouths when we cough and do not use tissue when we sneeze millions of bacteria would be in the air surrounding us. That moment we inhale them into our bodies, that’s it we will get infected with the flu or cough other people had or are currently having.

Practise good personal hygiene by:
1)      Wash your hands regularly ( after a meal, when you reach home, after going to the toilet etc)
2)      Cut your nails when they are long (They can trap tons of dirt and bacteria)
3)      Shower! (Keep your whole body clean after being outside for quite a time)

Mental fitness:

Okay so here goes the last topic mental fitness. I believe, be it in Singapore or other countries across the globe we have our own stress and problems every single day without fail. Stressed about work, education, relationship. We have our very own problems. So, at the end of the day if these amount of stress and problems were to be piled up inside of us one day it will be so filled that we feel that we are going to explode and WE WILL. That is why I mentioned earlier in my post that sleep is very important especially because of our daily activities be it moving our muscles or thinking it needs our nervous system to work. Thereby we have to rest our nervous system or one day we will breakdown eventually. When we get stressed out or frustrated just bear this in mind “Do not, Do not ever allow your anger control you, get over your head” Most of the time I see a lot of people that being able to control anger and frustration. Ending up saying the wrong things to our friends, children, parents, girl/boyfriends so on and so forth. I believe most of u did witness one or two cases. Don’t allow it to even happen! Learn to control your stress levels and problems.

For me, whenever I am stress I always tell myself this one thing “One thing at a time.” Yes, you may have the world’s biggest problems and have the largest number of task to accomplish but unless you are telling me you are a superman or woman that you can complete everything at one go which is impossible for humans. We can only focus one thing at a time to achieve a 100% efficiency (again don’t believe me, research it). By telling your mind to do and focus on only one thing at a time, you will be able to forget the rest of the task for that moment until u completed your current task which from then, move on to the other.

When I am stressed out I always watch videos, movies or dramas to relax. Relaxation is the key to cure stress. So leave your comments below as to how you relieve your daily stress or even just the moment when you are stressed out. ( I will be doing just one last post by this week regarding Life and why keep healthy especially for those of you that have been called a health freak by many of your friends)

By: Jack Tan/ Tan Zhi Ping


  1. Anonymous6/8/14

    What sports do you recommend for relieving stress?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My answer to your question would be 'any'. As long as you feel relieve and you enjoy the sports u play instead of playing sports for the sake of playing it, it doesn't matter which sport you are playing.
    Cheers :D
