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Latest Gaming Technology

Game technology

In the last decade, gaming technology has evolved drastically. Let’s take a look at the some of the new gaming technologies that you might not know

Oculus Rift

Getting bored of staring at your screen?
Wanna get out of staring flat stuffs all day?

Well get your hands on the Oculus rift and let your eyes have a feast.

Source from : www.forbes.com
Oculus Rift is a 3D gaming glasses
-Provides 3D virtual reality experience
-Allows user to have almost 360 degree vision of the 3D game
- can be used with many consoles from keyboards to X-box controls
- First person shooter(FPS) games provide the best experience with the Oculus Rift
*Not for people who get motion sickness
My opinion: A very good design which can be used for other stuffs other than gaming, such as 3D military training, 3D piloting etc. 
Who needs reality when you can experience a world where you can never experience in real life in 3D.
It too kind of remind me of something though…

We all know where this is going
Source from : wacharacter.wikia.com

X-BOX IllumiRoom

X-BOX IllmiRoom is a motion sensing technology design by Microsoft to record the user’s action from many different angles

Watch X-BOX IllumiRoom Trailer here

Players can do an action which would affect the game, something like X-BOX Kinect, just that they would be playing in a room with cameras monitoring them everywhere.

My Opinion: This would allow players to feel more engage into the game as they would have to react quickly with body actions to respond to the game

EYE Tribe

Eye Tribe is a device that monitors the retina found in our eyes. It aims to create a hands free controls on devices such as phones, tablet or 3D gaming devices such as the 3Ds or Vita
Source from: seoresearch.com
More about EYE Tribe

As you can see from the video, you can use EYE Tribe to play mobile application such as fruit ninja.
My opinion: Would’nt that cause our eyes to be strained more since we use our eyes to control the movement of the pointers? Also, the use of EYE Tribe would make use lazier as we use less of our bodies and more of our eyes. People are already so lazy to get up from their couch to just get a remote control, if EYE Tribe became wildy used in our society, imagine how would us look in a few generation time?
Source from here
Yep, we would look like this, if this goes on, we would look like a t-rex.

Source from: www.funnyjunk.com

In conclusion, with these technologies, in the near future gaming lifestyle will become one of the most fufilling and amazing lifestyle one could ever experience.

written by :Tok Tze Kiat

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