Many people say that we Singaporeans "KiaSee" meaning afraid of dying in dialect. But lets be frank, we all share one thing in common as humanity which is being afraid to die. Although death is a natural process that every living creature on this planet Earth will have to go through eventually and to experience it, there is still the essence of fear that exist in every one of us including animals, insects, whatever. You name it.
From the moment we are born on this planet Earth be it in Singapore, the states or any other countries, our lives have started in fact, we have started to connect the dots in our lives. There are 2 dots in common for every one of us which is the start - (birth) and the end - (death). But what is in between these 2 dots is up to us to fulfill in the future, to connect. With different occasions that is happening in our lives. Leaving behind memories of joy, pain, suffering, sadness, anger this is how we as humans grow as time goes by. Growing to become adults and from adults turning to become the elderly, maturing every single day until the day where death came knocking upon our doorsteps cherishing that very last moment of our lives, realizing that everything have come to an end.
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” by Steve Jobs
We do not know what will happen in the future,in fact no one knows because life is full of changes we simply cannot predict what will happen in the future. We can only backtrack memories of occasions that happened in the past few years of our lives and learn from it. That is why education of history exist, that is why, what we do today will be what we will become in the future. What we dream of may happen in reality depending on how hard we have tried. How much we are willing to give, to sacrifice at any moment of our lives to accomplish our goals. Dreams WILL COME TRUE, "if we want to succeed as bad as we want to breathe then we will be successful" - Eric Thomas.
You may be the world's wealthiest or healthiest person on the planet, 24/7 working to earn money, 24/7 keeping healthy all day, months or even years long. I don't care. Because at the end of the day we are still going to die. Life is not about how long we can live or how wealthy we can get but it is about how we can live life to the fullest extent and live life with no regrets, living our lives in every way possible. The key is to explore, YES EXPLORE. The world is so wide for us to explore and I guarantee you more than half of the population on this planet Earth have not manage to do so. That is life, my definition of life.
So let me pose this sensitive question to those who have been staying healthy all year round and are very concern about your health which leads you to the tab health in this blog. What is your purpose of doing so? Is it because to ensure that you live to a hundred? Living for the sake of being healthy just so to prolong death? Forgetting who you are and what you enjoy- your habits, your ice creams, candies, things that you used to crave for and the person you used to be, being happier. Or is it because you want to live longer in order to fulfill your goals, your dreams, to stay by your friends, family and to explore?
Setting aside the common cycle of life. Which is to study in primary school, again in secondary, college, universities, afterwards get a decent job, get married, have a family and lastly experience death. What do YOU actually YEARN for in life?
Whenever you realize that you do not actually know why and what you live for, ask yourself these questions:
1) Who you are
2) What are you doing currently(occupation)
3) Why did you do it
4) How do you affect your country you are staying in or the world
Bare this in mind, be it your a low class, middle class or upper class person in economic status in terms of job and wealthiness everyone on our planet have a role to play.
-If there are no hawkers traditional delicacies would have extinct.
-If there are no cleaners our planet will be filled with rats and roaches.
-If there are no employees of lower position that are working under companies, the company cannot operate vice versa (employers).
-Most importantly IF there is no leader, no one to guide us, guide our countries , the world would not have been constantly advancing forward
People say life is a long journey. However, life is short and we cannot re-act the scenes like what television shows, dramas, movies do. So treasure and cherish your very own life given by your parents, live every single day like your last one.
Last for not least, I wish you guys luck in finding your very unique way of living life and to succeed in every prospect of life regardless of education, monetary, relationship. And may your dreams come true within the next few years of your life.
Thank you for your precious time reading my blog.
Leave your comments below and share with me your thoughts.
By: Jack Tan / Tan Zhi Ping