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Simple and fun; Sports lifestyle in Singapore

Hi :D In this post, I'll be summing up everything which I've discussed about in the previous few posts. So what have we learnt about my ideal sports lifestyle in Singapore?

What have we learnt? :D

I think of having a good lifestyle, a sporty one to be something which is fun and simple. Main goal is to have fun, especially with friends. Friends are very important in life. And I've talked about how sports helps to maintain relationship with friends and even family members of course. How it makes new friends.

I've talked about how basketball would be very ideal for that purpose said above. Archery as a whole too.

Addressing the comments of my previous posts, people commented that I should input more sources to back up what I say. This is more of an opinion type of blog like I mentioned in the introduction :) However, of course if there is anything which concretely needs back up sources, I will back it up :)

Dunk Basketball Wallpaper
Credits: http://viewallpaper.com/dunk-basketball-wallpaper.html
To sum it all up...

Have you tried out the sports yet?

You need to try it in order to understand fully of the posts I've made. For those who had already played these sports, do you think there's other more better sports which helps bond friends and family as well too?

Overall, what do you think of an ideal sporty lifestyle? Be it Singapore, or any elsewhere. If you're not from Singapore, how is your sports lifestyle in your country like?

Please do leave a comment and share your opinions below! :D 

Thank you :D

Written by: Neville Lee


  1. An ideal sport lifestyle is if you are actually playing with a group of people you know especially a unofficial/official team where you can focus on a goal together.

    I rarely do street sports so I don't really know that experience. Street sports as in anyone in the public can join in since the sport is playing in a public area like the park.

    About the technical part, I guess it is quite fine but it is best if you refrain from those controversial topics XD.

    1. I agree with you :)

      You should try out more sports man! :D

  2. I'm playing Squash now as a sport :), Mainly because it is indoors :P I don't like the sun

  3. Anonymous6/8/14

    An Ideal lifestyle doesn't have to be just about sports. It can be also many others like aesthetics.

    Not a fan of sports to be honest. But I believe this article can attract those interested

    1. Yes it doesn't have to be just about sports, which is why I'm only catering this part of the blog to people who wants a sporty lifestyle. And I'm using that to show how you can make it ideal with much fun and excitement :)


      By: Neville Lee

  4. I believe there is no "ideal" sport, and that any sport or activity in general can help you build relationships with others as well as to improve yourself as a whole. Sports particularly improve your mental and physical capacities, greatly enhancing traits such as stamina, agility, hand-eye coordination, as well as teamwork. Even individual sports, such as archery (as you stated), help develop teamwork and bonding between individuals because people will aid each other in the process of playing with one another and improving! They are thus able to improve themselves, but also those around them!

    I have played basketball and (as stated in the previous post) archery a bit before, but never really got into them. I think basketball requires the most stamina and teamwork, but archery requires great concentration and is also great for building friendships. I think there is no "ideal" sports lifestyle either, but any healthy lifestyle is fine, and one that is happy. For example, if you have different hobbies, such as playing video games, you can also improve teamwork and bonding by working together on certain missions and etc. (such as league of legends :p), but this is not physically active. Thus, I believe at least exercising yourself physically and playing sports, even if just for fun and not dedicating yourself to them, will greatly improve yourself and those around you. Examples of such solo sports include swimming and jogging, as you are able to do these and compete with friends and others, although it does not require teamwork itself.

    I believe your posts have greatly inspired many such as myself to try out more sports and get more involved, and to "enjoy" sports more in order to bond with my friends and at the same time, become better at the sports!
